The Connecticut Amateur Golf Tour’s LOCAL CLUB RULES

Our local club rules are in effect in EVERY tournament we run.


STROKE PLAY DIVISION: “A” Players, 11.9 handicap index and below, will now be able to take a MAX 9 on any hole. This will eliminate any DOUBLE-DIGIT scores on your scorecard. If you’re in the “A” division and you’re having a bad hole you can pick up and simply take a 9 on the hole. This will eliminate any disqualifications in the stroke division for not finishing a hole.

Fairway Divots – If your ball comes to rest in a divot it may be moved without penalty, no closer to the hole. Please use an open scorecard for the distance that you can move the ball.

Our provisional rule: If you think you hit your ball out of bounds or that it may be lost you have the opportunity to hit a provisional ball OR go to your point of entry and bring your ball out to the fairway and take a drop. Your ball can be dropped anywhere in the fairway from the point of entry taking a 2 STROKE PENALTY. If you take a drop in the fairway you’ll be hitting 4 not 3. This eliminates the need to go back to the tee and re-hit and you’re guaranteed a clean lie in the fairway.

“B” division players – 12 handicaps and above. You have the option to pick up your ball at NET DOUBLE BOGEY and just take a zero on your card. We play using the stableford scoring system so a zero is just a zero. “A” players DO NOT have this option unless you are disqualifying yourself from the STROKE PLAY portion of the tournament. This must be marked on your scorecard letting me know.

18 MINUTE GROUP RULE: All groups must finish within 18 minutes of the group in front of you. If your group loses sight of the group in front of you then your group is behind. IT DOES NOT MATTER if you’re holding up the group behind yours or not. If your group finishes more than 18 minutes behind the group in front of you, I have the right to disqualify the entire group after speaking with the members of the group.

****  If your group lets a group pass yours then your group must finish within 18 minutes of the group you just let pass, that group then becomes our first group and is NOT responsible for finishing within 18 minutes of the group in from of them.

Scorecards – All participants MUST sign and attest your scorecard before turning it in at the end of the day. Each group will receive an individual scorecard and one person in the group will receive a GROUP card with all members of the group on the card. Everyone will swap their scorecards with another member of the group and one person will also keep track of the group card. You can fill out the group card together at the end of the tournament if you wish. The ONLY card that needs to be turned in is the group card with 4 signatures next to your name. You can do what you wish with the individual card.

BUNKER RULE: If you’re ball lands in a footprint you may move your ball, no closer to the hole, out of the footprint. You must mark your ball with a tee, rake or smooth out the area, then replace your ball. You must show someone in your group where your ball has come to rest.

**** NEW USGA RULE for this season on signing and attesting the scorecards – If I’m missing your signature, you will be accessed a 2 stroke penalty.